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March 30, 2023 9 min read

Whether you are experiencing symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, have received a recent diagnosis, or have been managing thyroid disease for a prolonged period, establishing a trustworthy relationship with a competent thyroid doctor is imperative. Your thyroid doctor must be someone you can confide in, discuss all aspects of your condition, and entrust with your care, ensuring your optimal well-being.

Maintaining a robust and enduring partnership with your thyroid doctor is critical for managing your condition effectively. However, finding the ideal thyroid doctor who aligns with your values and goals can prove to be a daunting task. But that's what we're here for. If you've been asking yourself how to find the top doctor for your thyroid problems near you, here are some strategies that'll help you find the right doctor.

When to see a thyroid doctor

It is a common experience to feel depleted and unmotivated on certain days, but prolonged feelings of fatigue can indicate an underlying thyroid condition. If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, it might be time to get your thyroid checked:

  • Experiencing extreme fatigue that impedes daily functioning.

  • Experiencing hair loss at an alarming rate.

  • Unexplained and rapid weight gain.

  • Experiencing irritability to the extent that it affects personal relationships.

Aside from experiencing the above symptoms, here are some other instances where it's essential to seek out a thyroid doctor:

  • If you have recently been diagnosed with a thyroid condition, it's crucial to consult with a specialist to understand the nature of your condition and how to manage it effectively.

  • If you have been on thyroid medication for some time, but you do not feel like it is working or right, a doctor can help you identify the root cause of the problem and adjust your treatment accordingly.

  • If you fall into the category of subclinical or borderline hypothyroidism or temporary hypothyroidism, a doctor can help determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

  • If you have been diagnosed with thyroid eye disease, a specialist can help you manage the condition and prevent complications.

  • If your thyroid gland is enlarged (called a goiter) or you have a thyroid lump or nodule, a specialist can perform further tests and imaging to evaluate the severity of your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.

  • If you have another endocrine disorder that is likely causing your thyroid problem, such as a problem with the pituitary, it's crucial to see a thyroid specialist who can coordinate care with other specialists as needed.

  • If you have become ill or have been diagnosed with another chronic health condition, a doctor that specializes in thyroid problems can help you manage your thyroid condition in the context of your overall health.

  • If you are pregnant or trying to conceive, it's important to see a thyroid specialist to ensure that your thyroid function is properly managed during this critical time.

What are the types of thyroid healthcare providers?

Before we talk about the different types of healthcare providers that can help manage thyroid diseases like hypothyroidism, it's important to understand that there is a range of providers who may care for you. These include medical doctors (M.D.), osteopathic doctors (D.O.), nurse practitioners (NP), and physician assistants (PA).

The training that osteopathic doctors go through is similar to that of medical doctors. The two are considered equal in terms of caring for and treating patients. Plus, both can get formal education and training in endocrinology, which is the brand of medicine that deals with endocrine glands and hormones. Nurse practitioners and physician assistants, on the other hand, usually receive on-the-job training.

The best healthcare provider for you depends on your thyroid condition. Your primary care physicians may be enough for some thyroid conditions, but more serious conditions like thyroid cancer may require the care of an endocrinologist or a surgeon that specializes in the disease.

Primary care physicians

Getting diagnosed with a thyroid condition is something that many people experience during their visit to a primary care physician. It's quite common for primary care physicians to perform thyroid lab tests, especially when people complain of common symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, and low mood.

Also known as PCPs, family medicine doctors, or internal medicine doctors, these doctors can manage many different health conditions since their role is to provide well-rounded care. They are the healthcare provider you see for things like flu or to check things like blood pressure. However, many of them also have a passion for managing chronic conditions like thyroid disease.

They might not specialize in thyroid issues, but they can still give you a good starting point for your search.


Endocrinologists are doctors that focus on treating endocrine disorders. These are disorders affecting the endocrine system, including the thyroid, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, parathyroid glands, pancreas, hypothalamus, thymus, pineal gland, ovaries, and testes.

Thus, an endocrinologist is who you should turn to if you want a doctor who specializes in thyroid problems. They have the most experience in managing thyroid problems, and they stay up-to-date with the latest research. Moreover, they also do more thorough thyroid tasting, such as checking free triiodothyronine (FT3) and TPO antibodies.

However, endocrinologists can have different scopes of practice. Some may specialize and get training to perform surgeries to treat people with thyroid cancer or nodules. On the other hand, others may focus on autoimmune thyroid diseases like Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease.


If you're a woman, your OB/GYN can be a great resource for thyroid care. Since thyroid conditions like hypothyroidism and women's hormonal health are closely interconnected, many OB/GYNs are comfortable caring for thyroid patients. In fact, many OB/GYNs are the first to detect thyroid disease in women.


While you might not immediately think of an oncologist for thyroid care, they can be a valuable resource if you've been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. They can provide treatment options and help you navigate the complicated world of cancer care.


A surgeon will be needed if surgery to remove part or all of your thyroid gland (thyroidectomy) is being considered as part of your treatment.

Alternative and holistic doctors

If you're more of a natural remedy enthusiast, an alternative or holistic doctor might be a good choice. They often use things like dietary changes, herbs, and acupuncture to treat thyroid disorders, and they're great at thinking outside the box.

Which healthcare provider is best for you?

A male thyroid doctor standing in front of a shelf full of thyroid medications.

Who to see for thyroid concerns can be confusing, but it all comes down to your specific thyroid condition. If you're facing a thyroid cancer diagnosis or are recommended for thyroid surgery, then an oncologist or surgeon is likely the way to go.

However, for other thyroid issues, such as hyperthyroidism, Grave's disease, thyroid nodules or goiter, secondary hypothyroidism, thyroid eye disease, and congenital hypothyroidism in newborns, an endocrinologist is a suitable specialist. An initial evaluation with an endocrinologist may also be beneficial for patients with new-onset Hashimoto's thyroiditis or those who are pregnant or experiencing infertility with thyroid disease.

It's important to note that not all patients with thyroid conditions require an endocrinologist. In some cases, another specialist may be better suited for care. Additionally, due to a shortage of endocrinologists in the United States and many parts of the world, some patients may receive better care from a different specialist who can provide more regular appointments.

Remember, if you do decide to see an endocrinologist, find one who specializes in thyroid disease.

How to evaluate your current thyroid doctor

After you've visited a healthcare provider for your thyroid condition, it's important to ask yourself whether you feel good about continuing with them or not. Making this decision can be difficult, but asking yourself some questions can help you make an objective evaluation. While it might not be possible to find the perfect thyroid doctor, knowing what matters most to you can help you determine if you're receiving the care you need. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Do they know their stuff? A good thyroid doctor should be up-to-date with the latest research and treatments for thyroid disease. If your doctor is still using outdated methods, it might be time to explore other options.

  • Are they attentive? Thyroid patients often experience a variety of symptoms, so it's essential to have a doctor who listens to your concerns. They also need to pay attention to your medical history to ensure you get the right treatment.

  • Does your healthcare provider recommend treatments or remedies only available through their practice? While this is not always a bad thing, it's important to ask more questions before deciding on a course of action.

  • Does your healthcare provider focus on how you feel rather than just treating you based on your thyroid labs? While tests like TSH are important to determine your thyroid status, they don't tell the whole story when it comes to managing thyroid dosage.

  • Do you feel comfortable with your healthcare provider? Thyroid disease can be a lifelong condition, so feeling comfortable with your doctor is essential. If you're not comfortable, it might be time to explore other options.

  • Is your healthcare provider open-minded and willing to explore your ideas about treatment? For example, the standard treatment for hypothyroidism is levothyroxine, but it's not always a good option for everyone. If you want to try other options, would your healthcare provider be willing to do it? Will they prescribe natural desiccated thyroid? Will they be open to you trying NDT supplements like VitaliThy?

Remember, finding the right healthcare provider for your thyroid condition is an important step toward feeling better. Don't be afraid to ask questions and explore your options until you find a doctor who is the right fit for you.

How to find and choose the best thyroid doctor

Finding the best thyroid doctor can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. By following a few key steps, you can increase your chances of finding a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable, attentive, and right for you. Here are some tips to consider:

Think about your needs and preferences

Consider what matters most to you when it comes to your thyroid care. Do you want a doctor who is nearby, or are you willing to travel? Do you prefer a doctor who is always on time or one who has an excellent bedside manner? By clarifying your needs and preferences, you can narrow down your search and find a doctor who is a good fit for you.

Search online through professional organizations

Use the internet to your advantage by searching for professional organizations that specialize in thyroid health. These organizations can be great resources for finding doctors who are knowledgeable and up-to-date on the latest treatments.

Look for referrals

Ask your friends and family for doctor recommendations, but keep in mind that everyone's experience is different. Use their referrals as a starting point, but do your own research to ensure the doctor is a good fit for you.

Use doctor directories from holistic training centers

Holistic training centers can be a valuable resource for finding doctors who take a more natural approach to treatment. However, be sure to do your research to ensure that the doctor has the necessary credentials and experience.

Check the doctor's certification

Make sure the doctor is certified and has the training necessary to manage your thyroid condition. Verify their certification and check their credentials before making a commitment.

Find the doctor's ratings

Read reviews from other patients to gauge the doctor's bedside manner and reputation. However, keep in mind that everyone's experience is unique, and don't rely solely on reviews to make your decision.

Consider payment and insurance

Choose a doctor who accepts your insurance and has a payment plan that works for you. This way, you can avoid unexpected expenses and focus on your health.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can find the best thyroid doctor for your needs and preferences. Remember, finding the right doctor takes time and effort, but it's worth it to ensure that you receive the best possible care for your thyroid condition.

Switching doctors

When it comes to managing thyroid conditions, having a trusted and reliable healthcare provider is crucial. But what if you don't feel like your current provider is meeting your needs? Don't worry. You have the power to change your healthcare provider and find someone who better suits your needs.

Your needs matter

Everyone has different needs when it comes to healthcare. Some people prefer a healthcare provider who is warm and approachable, while others prefer a more formal approach. It's important to find a healthcare provider whose personality and communication style align with your own.

You have the right to choose

Remember, you are the client and have the right to choose the type of healthcare service you want. You are never "stuck" with a healthcare provider who isn't meeting your needs. If you are unhappy with your current provider, you have the right to seek a second opinion or switch to a new provider altogether.

Gathering your medical records

When you decide to change your healthcare provider, it's important to gather your medical records to make the transition as smooth as possible. Request pertinent medical records, such as lab results and office notes related to your thyroid care, from your current provider's office. This can help you avoid repeating tests and procedures unnecessarily.

Choosing your new doctor

Once you have selected a new healthcare provider, take the time to reflect on your initial visit. Was the provider a good fit for you? Did they meet your needs and expectations? If not, don't be afraid to keep looking until you find someone who meets all or most of your criteria.


Finding the top thyroid doctors near you can be a challenging task, but with the right strategies, it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Remember to consider your personal needs, search for professional organizations and referrals, and learn about the doctor's certification and ratings.

And if you're someone who loves trying alternative thyroid treatment options but having a hard time finding a doctor that can support your decision, you might want to try VitaliThy, a natural desiccated thyroid you can buy online without a prescription.

Wojciech Majda
Wojciech Majda

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